Cardiovascular diseases - No 1 cause of death.

Every 2 minutes, a European is killed due to cardiovascular disease. These disorders are expressed by cardiac muscle, blood vessels or the heart of the veins and arteries and are caused mainly by inadequate nutrition, smoking and sedentary, informs Pharma City. Giving up on these habits, you could reduce by 80% risk of premature death.

Statistics on cardiovascular disease are worrisome: in each year die in the world 17 million people in this case. Of the 10 million people annually who survive a stroke, over 5 million remain with permanent disabilities.

In the category of cardiovascular diseases between several diseases, including: ischemic cardiography, arterial hypertension, rhythm disturbances, myocardial, pericarditis and endocarditis.

Romania statistics are even more alarming, as every 10 minutes to register a death due to these diseases. Increasingly well under 45 years die due to heart disease and diabetes, which is a major cardiovascular risk, affects 5% of the adult population. Experts say that "assist in an epidemic of diabetes.

Stress, alcohol, fat, cigarettes, kilograms in excess should be avoided as much as possible, reducing cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E, fish oil and green tea are some ways you can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular disease

In early 20th century, deaths caused by cardiovascular disease accounted for less than 10% of total mortality, worldwide. At the end of the century the situation was different, were due to cardiovascular disease in half of the deaths that took place globally, in developed countries.

Currently, it is estimated that by 2020, cardiovascular diseases will be responsible the death of approximately 25 million people annually. Thus, heart disease will become the main cause of mortality and morbidity, leaving infectious diseases ranked second.

Cardiovascular system diseases

- Endocarditis;
- Myocardial;
- Vicia congenital and acquired heart;
- Cardiosclerosis;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Hypertonic disease and symptomatic hypertension;
- Ischemic cardiopathy;
- Myocardial infarction;
- Chronic ischemic cardiopathy;
- Cerebra-vascular diseases;
- Cardomiopatics primary and secondary;
- Primary and secondary vasculitis.

Until recently it was believed that heart disease is a chronic condition that can at most be improved, not cured, but now, scientists give the chance to cure those suffering from such disease. Royal College of Physicians of London say that they found a prescription for medicine, which not only stops the submission disease, but one can heal. But no such miracle is not born overnight, doctors said that more research should be done several tests and to allow the product to appear in pharmacies.

Cardiovascular diseases are caused mainly by accumulation of fat in the blood vessels, cholesterol. Until now nobody knows how to stop the accumulation of fat, and treatment of heart disease involves reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, so slow and the degree of accumulation of fat in arteries.

Nutrition and cardiovascular diseases

Deeply marked by the principles of Taoist philosophy, medicine chinese traditionalistic operates with terminology and an approach to pathologic seem strange to Western doctors. Without separate of reality this medicine used language seemingly simplistic, naive.

Building on a good knowledge of phenomenological universal and laws on the universe acts as everywhere, philosophers-ancient Chinese physicians have understood that all processes related of borning, evolution, physiology and human pathology is a reflection of human Lascar natural processes to the macrocosm. Therefore, they they adopted terminology that choose elements from nature to power defenestrating fundamental cycles of manifestation of their insensitive generator, or more destructive.

However, thinking with my heart
In this context, we find - as one of the five and energetic fundamental - and Fire, which the heart, thin intestine, language and blood vessels. But as Western, Chinese they consider heart is a place of mental and emotional activity. Dean Ornish, leading cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, Share the experience: "I think the mind is where all starting more heart disease in many people ..." According chinese medicine heart is one which not only regulates blood circulation, but also the spirit, sleep, memory and thinking. Together with the liver, heart correlate with brain and nervous system.

Cardiovascular diseases constitute the largest health problem even in highly developed countries. The statistics are too hard. Therefore, taking into account degenerative disease states such as cancer, insanity and mental arthritis - river often lack clear in thinking - lead to increased priority in handling mental-heart system in Chinese medicine. Aware of the influence - in thus system - calcium metabolism, the specialists in this the medicine is going out of coffee, alcohol, tobacco, refined salt, sugar, refined flour, marijuana, and the involuntary absorption an excess of aluminum, pesticides and other substances toxic, without neglecting any excess protein.

How to start treatment
May always deals with Chinese medicine treatment of diseases this kind of by restoring balance and energy of spleen functional, pancreas and liver, reducing the consumption un-healthy aliments them. But, the beginning of the cure is is calm spirit. The patient must learn to speak in the full conscious pronounced each word, no longer allows lie to be spread in many thoughts "parasite". Possible This is achieved through prayer, meditation, songs dedicated to faith, mantra (incantation), meditation or affirmations positivists a tacit of landscapes wonderful.

Against the background of a lie clarification, calm and strong, the treatment was a success will can safer. Some schools of acupuncture marketing the method of hurt or massage reflexology a point VU15, well known specialists as a point of the bladder meridian which serve to calm down the spirit and heart. Moreover, the books of ancient which acupuncture suggests: "Any meeting must begin acupuncture treatment to seen (spirit)".

What would be good to eat
Calm down my heart is - in the language of traditional Chinese medicine to a greater intake of Yin energy of cold static. a little dust in the shell oysters dissolved in warm water and drink daily, morning, would be of great help. Also useful as we would be wheat, barley and oats brown, mushrooms and sponges.

An infusion of the oat straw can help a lot, removing and insomnia's. Insist on your nutrition in cucumber, celery, lettuce or green juice obtained from these two from past. Dude and lemon will help to calm down and to increase the capacity concentration and memory, and they set away insomnia. brolly mandarins and they have a sedative effect, helping - along with the other-to regulate blood pressure. You may add to dill and basil and diet, in foods or as infusions. If supported, not avoid cow milk and - especially! - The goat, butter and milk from these types.

And some tasty recipes!
To reduce a too high blood pressure and persistence, eat in the morning on an empty stomach, one raw tomatoes (you can put over it and a little sugar). Or quilt 5 bananas a day and drink twice day juice of black radish (a glass) or a daily glass of juice of celery (with a handful of sunflower seeds raw).

Here are a preparation to secure a plate to lunch or lacing:
- 50 and. Stalks of celery, 50 grams. Rice and 750 ml water;
- In a vessel put in 500 ml boiling water, and in another, the remaining mall. When you boil water, put celery (cut in pieces 2 cm) invasive rice and more, cover and boil 20 minutes, stirring from time and. In the meantime, put the leaves left from celery in small vessel and boil 5 minutes. Then mix the two preparations. Do not put salt, but some spices (little pepper, and ghimber lovage).